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Dialog with customer
*Sfx Ringing*
Alex: “Good afternoon, with Alex from Techno cell can I help you?”
Ratna: Yes, I ordered a USB portable two weeks ago. But ... until now I have not received the item
Alex: Oh no! Can you tell me your order number?
Ratna: my order number JP2819657489
Alex: well, I will check it first. Wait for a minute
Ratna: Yes, please.
Alex: Hello Ms. Ratna, thank you for waiting. Your order of 3 portable USB is returned by the shipping party because the address has long been empty.
Ratna: that's impossible. because I lived here 5 years ago.
Alex: sorry. your address is rajawali number 48, bekasi on behalf of Ratna sanjaya. right?
Ratna: No, my address is Rajawali number 43 bekasi
Alex: apologize for our mistakes. we will send the item back. I repeat. 3 USB portable was sent to the address of Rajawali street Numb. 43 bekasi in the name of Ratna Sanjaya.
Ratna: yes. right
Alex: Again, sorry for the inconvenience. We will bring the items to JNE express
Ratna: Okay. Thank you
Alex: With my pleasure
Dialog with co-worker
Sinta: hi alex. What's wrong with you?
Alex: I have a problem. I’m not in good mood today.
Sinta: why? tell me.
Alex: Miss Ratna's order didn't arrive on time. after I checked the order, the address was wrong.
Sinta: how can it be?
Alex: I don't know. maybe I'm not feeling well when writing down the address.
Sinta: but has the courier returned the order?
Alex: yes. The order has been returned with the record that the address of the house has not been occupied for a long time. And now i will take the order
Sinta: next time you have to be careful. Hopefully there will be no more events like this.
Alex: I hope that too. thank you
Sinta: it doesn't matter
commandly misused words
confusing related words